About the project
The purpose of the strategic project “Modernisation of the National Weather Observation Network in Croatia − METMONIC” is the establishment of a modern and high quality system of automatic surface meteorological stations, meteorological-oceanographic buoys and remote measurement systems, including meteorological radars. In total, over 400 modern automatic meteorological systems will provide traceable, reliable, high quality and timely information on the state of the atmosphere and the sea throughout the territory of the Republic of Croatia.
This will allow continuous monitoring of weather, climate, and climate change and will improve early-warning of hazardous weather in order to support adaptation systems to climate change and natural disasters, thus providing direct support to sustainable development, increasing security, and preserving human lives and goods.
Analysis of the current meteorological observation network and its supporting technical, informational, and organizational systems confirms that there is a great need to increase the availability of measured climate variables as well as the analyses of climate conditions for the needs of different economic branches and public activities.
The need to carry out the METMONIC project is justified and supported through several national documents, of which the following are emphasized:
the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Environment and Energy for the period 2017 – 2019 (MZOE, 2016),
Sixth National Communication and First Biennial Report of the Republic of Croatia under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (NN 18/2014),
Law on National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NN 56/13)
The international obligations of the DHMZ in the field of climate change follow the principles of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC, 1992), article 4g, partly also through regular national reports on climate and climate change under the UNFCCC (MZOIP, 2013).
Project summary:
The key components of the project are:
- Modernization and improvement of surface meteorological measurements
- Modernization and improvement of upper-air meteorological measurements
- Modernization and improvement of the meteorological radar network
- Establishment of a measurement system of meteorological-oceanographic buoys
- Enhancement and modernization of the system for receiving, processing, controlling, and storing data and ensuring data availability
- Improvement of the meteorological calibration laboratory
- Improvements in the monitoring of trace elements in the ecosystem
Modernization of the observation network in all segments of the observation system will ensure full and homogeneous coverage of the land and the territorial sea with meteorological, oceanographic, and radar measurements, enable the availability of all measured data for the public, as well as the modern and comprehensive ability to calibrate observation sensors.
The project will significantly contribute to:
- improvement of early warnings to severe weather and natural disasters
- development of human, technical, and scientific capacities
- international exchange of information
- developing products tailored to the needs of users in order to achieve sustainable development
- modernization of all components of the DHMZ observation system, easier access to its archives and databases, and accompanying infrastructure.
Current and archived data will be publicly available on the DHMZ website and will serve research institutions, non-governmental organizations, and interested users, especially in the research related to climate change and its impact on vulnerable sectors.
Compliance with national strategies
Modernisation of the National Weather Observation Network in Croatia − METMONIC project is in line with several key national documents, among which are:
- Strategical plan of Ministry of Environmental Protection and Energy for 2017. – 2019. (MZOE, 2016.)
- 6. National report of Republic of Croatia in accordance with United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (NN 18/2014)
- Law on National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NN 56/13)
Duration of project: 1 October 2017 – 28 February 2025
Financing information:
The estimated value of the project: 45.251.908,75 EUR
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 38.464.122,44 EUR (85 %)
Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund: 6.787.786,31 EUR (15 %)